The following are some points for improving and making better to ensure enriched learning experience from our school:
- We show Attentiveness to the child’s need
- Warmth / affection are shown towards the child
- We will be informing the parents about minor accidents and incidents happen, if any
- We are polite, courteous and helpful while speaking to parents with clarity and completeness in communication
- You are requested to make sure the children backpacks and belongings are handed over without creating confusion.
- We will respond and forward the queries of parents in reasonable time frame
- You will be informed about the Holidays, Fee payments, New programmes of school, Various notices in advance
- We receive the child smilingly and courteously in the morning hrs. and the same way when they go homes
- The child is using the toys in the class in good condition – not broken…
- Child’s Care taker is very neat and are in uniform, the maids nails cut short and the behaviour of maid with child is good
- The child has to be on diapers if not potty trained
- The child is served the same food bought by the parent
The main activities and routines we have in Our School.
Reading Books (Library) and Homework
In the Year, each child of our school gets an facility of availing the books from our School Library. The child can choose a book from library, we will issue the same book to be read at home, with the help of you. The book can be changed weekly. Reading books will be issued on Friday’s which has to be returned back by Monday. We will also be doing lots of reading activities together in class. Please encourage your child to read this book and we welcome your Suggestions and Feedback about the Book Selected by your child. (Fee of Rs.750/- per annum to enrol for Library Facility.)
Homework will start from the July month. We feel it is important to give the children a few weeks to settle into class before sending additional work at home. For Nursery children we are giving short H.W’s so that they get habituated to a work as revision at home and for LKG & UKG they have to complete their work without fail which helps them a lot in the class revisions.
Practice for a good handwriting starts right from Pre-Primary level. Writing in a neat legible handwriting within the line should be practiced at home also.
It is important that each child comes in school Uniform and brings school backpack only, with 1 pair of extra dress, 2-3 shorts, snacks box, water bottle are clearly labelled with your child’s name. We have a Child Policy that every child brings a Tissue Role on their turns to the classroom every month. The teacher will be informing you according to alphabetical class name list. Please communicate with the teacher. (Not Compulsory)
Encourage your child to have healthy food for the short break. They can bring fruits / vegetables, salads, sprouts etc. ensure that they have breakfast at home, along with the morning routines.
We encourage the children to follow good table manners. Parents should also train the child on the same at home.
The child should be encouraged to speak in English at home. This would enable the child to gain mastery over another language that the mother tongue. It would also help the child to develop listening, reading, speaking and writing skills.
Parents should ensure that the child does not carry any expensive or fancy items like cell phones, toys, etc. or wear expensive jewellery to school. The management will not be responsible in case of loss.
School is the center where the children are encouraged to develop in all areas of learning and enhance their physical and intellectual faculties. Each child is unique and may possess many hidden talents, it is the school which will provide scope for these talents to blossom. The role of the teachers and parents in this process is very vital.
Fruit and Drinks
We have a fruit and drink time once in a week i.e., on Wednesday’s. Children are welcome to get a Fruit which will be included in snacks by the child to school and fruit drinks(Fresh) also can be bought in from home.
Festivals of all religious are celebrated in the school in order to sow the seeds of secularism in the child and encourage them to create and live in society in communal harmony. Similarly, the school celebrates theme-oriented days like Color Days, and days in significance like Environment Day, Doctors Days etc., that sensitizes them to the themes. Parents should encourage the child to participate in all these events.
Audio Visual Classes
Audio Visual Classes will be conducted separately on Saturday’s and on concept bases, it will not be taken in daily activities. So, your child comes on Saturday’s also, except on 2nd Saturday’s from 9:00am to 12:00pm only for Rhymes(more), Dance, Puppet Show, Moral Stories and more Fun Sessions.
As part of this partnership we also provide you opportunities to support your child’s learning by:
- Ensuring punctual and regular attendance in school.
- They will be awarded with Golden Star for full attendance for the month and Silver Star for full attendance with only 1 absence.
- Please arrive between 8:40 a.m. and 8:55 a.m. to drop off your child and arrive between 12:20 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. for PG and Nursery. And between 1:20 p.m to 1:30p.m. for LKG and UKG to pick up your child.
- Helping them to complete their home work which might include maths or language
- If your child is to be absent for more than two days, please notify the teacher.
- Please Keep your child at home if discomforts such as rash, fever (greater than 100° taken orally), vomiting, a cough that is deep are present, or if your child has required medication in the last 24 hours. Also, if your child is overly tired due to illness or schedule disruption, please keep them home where they are happier. Children must be free of symptoms at least 24 hours before returning to school.
- Letting us know about any issue which may be improvement / effect your child’s performance or behaviour.
- Please Keep your child at home if discomforts such as rash, fever (greater than 100° taken orally), vomiting, a cough that is deep are present, or if your child has required medication in the last 24 hours. Also, if your child is overly tired due to illness or schedule disruption, please keep them home where they are happier. Children must be free of symptoms at least 24 hours before returning to school.
- Birthday Policy: Birthday celebrations are a part of our school program. Children are exempted from wearing uniform on their birthdays. You may want to schedule your child’s birthday. Please check with the teacher to determine the best day to celebrate. You may provide a special snack for that day. As with all snacks, the birthday snack should not be overly sweet. Your child can distribute chocolates in the class on their birthdays, cutting of cake and distribution of gifts are encouraged. Please be considerate of children’s feelings.
- Students will be evaluated continuously by the class-teacher and the assessments would be done on a regular basis.
- Parents need to understand that their child is in the tender age of learning. Expecting perfection from them (A+ in all areas) will amount to hampering the child from learning freely. The child should be appreciated for everything he/she learnt and is learning.
- A tentative list of the holidays during the academic year will be given (attached), however in case of unforeseen situation, decisions to declare holidays on that days will be taken on a case by cases basis.

Values, Ethics and Responsibilities :
- The child should be taught how to be responsible and take care of their belongings. Parents should see that the children keep the books which they carry home neat and tidy.
- Learning proper moral values at home as in school would help the child to respect and greet elders and follow simple ethics like using of magic worlds, ‘Please’, ‘Thank You’, ‘May I help you?’, ‘Welcome’, ‘I am sorry’ and ‘Excuse me’.
- Parents should encourage the child to use bins to throw waste. Pencil shavings should be thrown in to the dustbin and children should not scribble on tables tops and walls.
- Parents need to give toilet training to their child and ensure that the child has completed the major toilet needs before coming to school. Children will be taken to the wash-room during short breaks and at regular intervals.
Available from 8:30am – 7pm
We provide Day Care at a reasonable price for Parents and Working Families especially. The salient features are:
☺ Available from 8:30am until 7pm : Regular School year as well as for summer school.
☺ Duration is calculated, excluding the class times.
☺ Convenient Duration packages : 3 Hrs + Additional Hrs countable
☺ With and without food option.
☺ Available on a monthly basis
☺ Homework Help : Teachers help children to finish home work in the School.
☺ Play-Time, Games, Puzzles and Critical Thinking Activities vary by the age of children.
☺ Afternoon Nap-Time for Pre-Primary children with separate Cots and Towels.
☺ All our facilities are very much better with quality care. Our prices are very competitive. Please enquire in the office !