The academic session comprises of three Term – 1, Term – 2 and Term – 3
Term – 1 : July to September which comprises of Term I Assessment.
Term – 2 : October to December which comprises of Term II Assessment.
Term – 3 : January to April (2nd Week) which comprises of Term III Assessment.
Term I
1. Writing Alphabets Sequence A – Z & a – z with phonic sounds.
2. Vowel a, e, i, o, u
3. Cursive (a, c, e, i, m, n, o, u, v, w, j, y, d,)
4. Two letter words. (am, an, as, at, by, do, go, he, hi, if, in, is, it, me, my, of, on,
or, so, to, un, up, us, we, ya, yo)
3. Rhyming words
Story : The Clever Fox (Oral)
4. One and many (add ‘s’ or ‘es’)
(cat, bag, tree, lamp, rat, hut, bench, brush, glass, fox, box, mango)
5. Use of ‘and’
6. Q/Ans on ‘This’, ‘That’
7. Use of is / are
8. Use of ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’,
(cat, hut, tree, man, book, ant, egg, owl, Iron, apple, orange, elephant, ice-cream, umbrella, Sun, earth, sky, moon)
Story : The Clever Cap Seller (Oral)
9. Action words. (oral)

Term II
Spelling of colours (red, blue, green, pink, yellow, orange, white, black, brown, purple)
Cursive (g, h, i ,t ,p, k, b, x, t, s, f, z)
3. Use of ‘How many’
4. Use of ‘on, in, under’
5. Use of ‘these / those’
Story : Fox and the Grapes (Oral)
6. Use of ‘has / have’
7. Blends (sh, wh, st, ch, cl) like sheep, ship, stand
8. Three letter words.
9. Q/Ans on ‘This’, ‘That’
10. Opposites
(in-out, yes-no, fat-thin, sweet-sour, laugh-cry, come-go, slow-fast,
up-down, far-near, high-low, big-small, tall-short, happy-sad, black-white, sit-stand, full-empty, heavy-light,left-right)
Term III
1. Five sentences on ‘Myself’
2. Days of the week
3. Months of Year
4. Pairs of words : (e.g. Bat and Ball, Fork and Knife, Shoes and Socks, Hair and Comb,
Bread and Butter, Needle and Thread, Cup and Saucer, Lock and Key, Table and Chair,
Pen and Paper)
5. Jumbled Words : (man, ball, kite, tree, girl, moon, chair, glass, table, apple, banana, lamp,
star, book, teacher)
6. Make sentences: (eat, drink, run, play, touch, sleep, read, write, boy, girl, sky, eyes, legs, ball,
Story : Unity is strength (Dramatization)
7. Action words. (oral)
push wiggle catch Throw shuffle swim dig wave climb wink Clap ride jog
Term I
(1) Counting 1-200
(2) Number names – 1-20
(3) What comes after, before, between
(4) Numerals 1-100
(5) Shapes – with spellings
Term II
(1) Counting 200-400
(2) Number names – 20-35
(3) What comes after, before, between
(4) Numerals 100-200
(5) Multiplication tables of 1
Term III
(1) Counting 100-500
(2) Number names 35 – 50
(3) Numerals 200-300
(4) Multiplication tables of 2, 3
(5) Greater than, Smaller than
(6) Addition Through pictures
(7) Subtraction Through pictures
(8) Introduction to Weight, Height, Capacity, Distance and Lenght.
* Any 5 Spellings
(1) Fruits : Name and Spelling (Apple, mango, orange, grapes, banana, pear,
papaya, dates, plum, pine-apple)
Oral :
(i) Which fruit do you like most?
(ii) Which fruit is called the king of fruits?
(iii) Which fruit contains one seed?
(iv) Which fruit contains few/many seeds.
(2) Vegetables : Name and spelling (Potato, tomato, onion, brinjal, gourd, peas, turnip, beans, carrot, radish)
Oral :
(i) Which vegetables are used for making salad?
(ii) Which vegetable is bitter?
(iii) Which vegetable tastes hot?
(3) Flowers : Name and spelling (rose, lily, lotus, jasmine, marigold, sunflower, pansy, poppy tulip, dahlia)
Oral :
(i) Which is our national flower?
(ii) Which flower gives us oil for cooking?
(iii) Which flower gives us scents?
(4) Domestic Animals : Names and Spelling (Cow, pig, sheep, horse, camel, goat, ass, ox)
(5) Wild Animals : Names and Spelling (fox, lion, tiger, bear, monkey, dear, wolf, elephant)
Oral :
Name the animals which –
(i) carry our loads
(ii) Which eats other animals.
(iii) gives us milk
(iv) jumps from tree to trees.
(v) is our national animal.
(iv) is called the king of jungle.
(6) Birds : Names and Spelling (owl, crow, duck, peacock, parrot, kite, pigeon, eagle, hen, sparrow)
Oral :
(i) Which is our national bird?
(ii) Which bird give us eggs?
(iii) Which bird talks to you?
(iv) Which bird swims in water?
(v) Which bird is black in colour?
(7) Food we eat and drink : Names and Spelling (rice, dal, eggs, bread, chapati, fruits, vegetables, soup, milk, water, juice, tea)
(8) Babies of Animals : Names (lion, cow, hen, duck, horse, sheep, cat, goat, dog, pig)
(9) Seasons : Names (Summer, Rainy, Winter, Spring)
Oral :
(i) Name the seasons in which we wear
(a) cotton clothes,
(b) woollen clothes
(c) we use raincoat and umbrella
(d)the flowers and crops bloom.
(10) Means of Transport : Names and Spellings (car, bus, van, ship, train, bicycle, auto, scooter, truck, aeroplane)
Oral :
(i) Name the vehicle which
(a) Moves on road.
(b) flies in the air.
(c) Move in water.
(d) run on the rails.
(11) Parts of Our Body : Names and Spellings (eyes, ears, nose, lips, neck, hands, legs,
fingers, toes, head)
Oral :
(i) How many eyes do you have?
(ii) Which parts of our body help us to hear?
(iii) What do you do with your legs?
(iv) What do you do with your nose?
(v) How many fingers and toes do you have?
(12) Good habits : Names (Any five)
(13) Hours of the day : Names (Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night)
Oral :
(i) How many hours are there in a day?
(ii) When does the sun rise?
(iii) When does the sun set?
(iv) When do we take our breakfast/lunch/dinner?
(14) Things in the sky : Names (sun, moon, stars, clouds, rainbow)
(15) Homes of the animals : Names (lion, cow, hen, monkey, horse, snake, bee, rabbit, birds.)
(16) Five uses of water : Naming
(17) Three uses of air : Naming
(18) Different rooms in our house : Names

G. K. & English Conversation
1. Myself – 1. What is your name ? 2. How old are you ? 3. What is your father’s name ? 4. What is your mother’s name ? 5. Who helps you with your studies at home? 7. Who is your
best friend ?
2. My Family – 1. How many members are there in your family? 2. What is your home address? 3. What is your contact number? 4. What does your mother do? 5. What does your
father do?
3. My School – 1. In which school do you study ? What is the full form of B n B. ? 3. How do you come to school ? 4. What is your school timing ? 5. In which class do you study ? 6.How many students are there in your class ? 7. Who is your Principal ? 8. Who is your class teacher ?
4. Why – 1. Why were you absent yesterday ? 2. Why haven’t you done your home work ? 3.
Why are you crying ? 4. Why are you late ? 5. Why you haven’t eaten your tiffin ?
5. What, When – 1. What is morning meal, evening meal and afternoon meal known as ?
4. When is children’s day celebrated ? 5. When is teacher’s day celebrated ? 6. When is
Independence day celebrated ?
6. Who, Whose – 1. Who are you ? 2. Who is he ? 3. Who is she ? 4. Whose bag, water
bottle, pencil, eraser, sharpener etc. is this.
7. Great Personalities – 1. What is full name of Chacha Nehru ? 2. When is his birthday ?
3. What is Mahatma Gandhi known as ?
8.Three sentences on Dusshera, Diwali and Id
9.Three sentences on Christmas, Holi, Deepawali
10.Picture reading – Garden, School, House
11.To say few lines on given object like ball, apple, pencil, water bottle etc.
- Swar (अ – अ:)
- यंजन – (क – ज्ञ)
Drawing / Visual Art
Fun with Colours
- Playing with numbers 1-10.
- Making caterpillar using Bindies/Finger printing
- Making flower with pencil shreds.
- Making Choc-O-Bar with Ice Cream Stick, thermocole and brown colour.
- Paper Folding
- Vegetable Printing
- Cut and Paste – hut, tree, fish, boat, kite, flower.
- Collage in geometric forms.
- A scenary with a boat
- A flower vase
English Projects (Must be done in Scrap Book)
- Paste 5 pictures of a, e, i, o, u sound words.
- Stick objects (match sticks/ Tooth Picks/ Ice Cream sticks / coloured papers/straw) to give the concept of one and many.
- Paste pictures to show near and distant objects [This/That]
- Paste different coloured glazed paper cutting to give the concept of colours.
- Paste pictures of 5 objects which are red/blue/green/yellow/black/white/orange in colour
- Paste pictures to differentiate between opposites Yes-No, in-out, fat-thin, sweet-sour, laugh-cry, long short, tall-short, big-small, happy-sad, black-white.
Maths Projects (Must be done in Scrap Book)
- Fill in the missing numbers in the objects/pictures
- Join the dots to complete the picture
- Count and write (Eg. Bindi, match sticks, mirrors etc.)
- Count and add (Eg. Objects/pictures)
- Subtract – stick 6 bindies on one side. Put the sign ‘–’ and stick 3 more bindies. Use a pencil
put a cross sign (x) on three bindies. Count and write the remaining bindies. - Paste pictures of 5 balls, write the number and write the number names. Eg. 5 Five
- Draw and colour different shapes. Circle, square, rectangle, triangle, sphere, cone, cube, cuboids.
- Draw and colour 5 objects that are circle, square, rectangle, triangle, sphere, cone, cube, cuboid in shape.
EVS Project (Must be done in Scrap Book)
- Stick the pictures of 5 fruits and vegetables.
- Stick the pictures of vegetables used for making salad.
- Stick the pictures of 5 flowers.
- Paste the pictures of (a)National animal (b)Milk giving animals (c)Wild animals (d)Birds (e)Food we eat and drink
- Paste the pictures of things we use in the four seasons.
- Stick the pictures of Means of Transport.
- Different parts of our body.
- Paste pictures of Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night.
- Draw and colour things you see in the Night sky.
- Paste pictures of different rooms in our house.

Teacher’s Reference
Name of the activity : Simon Says
Make all the children stand in a semi-circle. The teacher should give clear instructions which children should follow only if she starts with the words. “Simon says … “for example. “Simon says touch your hair”. Children should touch their hair. Whenever the words “Simon says’ are omitted, children are not supposed to carry out that activity : if they do they are considered ‘out’.
Name of the activity : Guess the Riddles
Make all the children sit in a semi-circle. The teacher initiates the activity by asking a riddle. For example : “My colour is green, my beak is red. I say ‘tai-tai’ tell me who am I?” If the children are unable to answer then the teacher can give clues. Children can also be encouraged to make up their own riddles and ask everyone.
Name of the activity : What is Missing?
Keep the objects like a leaf, pencil, twig, pebbles etc. in a tray. Make the children sit in a semi-circle. Call children one by one keep the tray in front of the child. Ask her/his to name each object. Then ask the child to close her/his eyes and remove any one object. Ask the child to open her/his eyes and name the missing objects.
Name of the Activity : See what Dissolves
Material required – Salt, sugar, mud, pebbles, sand, flower, 5-6 glasses of water, spoons etc.
How to Organise – Divide the children into two groups. Make one group sit in a semi-circle while the other groups are engaged in another activity. Take 5-6 glasses of water. Mix any one of the above mentioned materials in the water. For example, salt and stir it till it dissolves. Let the children observe this. Similarly, mix all the things one by one in separate glasses and see which ones dissolves. Call the children one by one to name things that dissolve and those, do not dissolve.
Name of the Activity : Repeat and Add
Make the children sit in a circle. Let one child start the game by saying – “I went to the market and bought an apple”. The next child should say – “I went to the market and bought an apple and a banana”. The third child says, “I went to the market and bought an apple, a banana and a mango.
Name of the Activity : Picture Reading
Make all the children sit in a semi-circle. The teacher sits at a slightly higher level facing the children. The teacher should make sure that each and every child can see the picture chart. Show a picture chart or a picture from a book to the children and ask them questions related to the picture, for example, what is this? What is it used for? Where is she/he going/doing etc.
Name the Activity : Complete the Sentences
Make all the children sit in a semi-circle. The teacher begins the activity by starting a sentence. For example “I went to…” Each child then has to complete this sentence for example. “I went to school” or “I went to the market.”
Name of the Activity : Conversation
Make all the children sit close to the teacher but the teacher sits at a slightly higher level than the children. This activity can be theme based. For example, if the theme is animals, then the teacher should encourage the children to share their knowledge about animals, their habits, habitats, sounds, etc.
Name of the Activity : Story Making
Make all the children sit in a semi-circle. The teacher starts the story by giving the starting sentences for example, “once there was a parrot and a rat”. Then each child should be given a chance to add something more to the story for example. “They both were good friends”. Children may give varied responses like “they live in a jungle” … or “Once the parrot was caught by a hunter” etc. Every child’s response will help to extend the story further. The teacher will have to guide them often.
Patriotic songs:
1)National anthum
2)sa re jahan se acha
- 80m Race
- Mass Drill
- Cricket
- Throwing of Handkerchief
- General Exercise
- Minor Games
- Passing the ball
- Backward Racing
- Empty the Bucket