It is easier to make progress or be successful if you are educated or possess a lot of information – “Knowledge is power”.
Mr. Rakesh
Rakesh Gunda has extensive knowledge and experience in everthing and excellence in everyone. He honed his expertise in multiple areas in the filed of Techonology, Law, Administration and Accountancy. Graduated from Osmania University (LLB) and served the community with his advocacy skills for some time. He did his Masters (LLM) in various fields of law such as (Alternative Dispute Resolution, Banking and Finance, Constitutional Rights, Human Rights, etc.) from University of Nepean, Australia.
He didn’t giveup and on the run to USA and then to UK. Obtained MBA degree from Dublin Metropolitan University. Besides, done certification courses in Advanced Diploma in Information Technology from South Bank College, London and Diploma in Accounting and Business from Academy of Professional Studies, London. Furthermore, he also did his Masters (LLM) and specialised in Immigration Law from International University of America, London.
As administrator he has worked in MNC’s and giving services in Charitable Trusts of London. Settled and working as an accountant, and providing charity to Indian community by solving the immigration matters.
R Gunda is a councellor and provides offshore services to Buds’n’blooms Pre-School of Excellence. The educational idea of this school was his guidance and which completely meet the requirements of International standards. He constantly updates the syllabus accordingly to give the best of his principles and brilliance.