- Manipulative Corner
- Writing / Reading / Math Skills
- Imaginative and free play
- Music and Movement
- Organized Games
- Gym time
- Seasons
- Pet, Farm Animals and Wild Animals
- Birds – Insects
- Fruits and Vegetables
- Means of Transport – Vehicles
- Our Body – Parts – Senses
- Water World
- People at Work – Community Helpers
- Me, My School, My Family and My Home
- Good Habits – Good Behaviour
- Festivals of India
- Trees, Plants & Flowers
a. Reading skills
A a – Z z Alphabets with sound symbol association and related sets of Vocabulary.
VOWELS, CONSONANTS, Sight Words – the, is, I, in, on, it, have, my, by, go, to and you, Sight Reading – simple phrases and sentences through monthly readers, Reading three letter words with word families and Rhyming words.
b. Numerical Skills
Oral Counting 1-100, Recognition of numerals 1-50, Re-enforcing numerals 1 – 10, 1 – 9 & associating them with their value, Counting in 5’s till 50, Forward & Backward counting 1- 10, Missing Numerals 1- 10, Sequencing 1 – 10, What comes after, more, less, equal, ordinal numbers 1st – 10th, Counting in 10’s till 100, Ascending order, Descending order, Addition (through picture), Subtraction, Seriation
c. Writing Skills
Vertical lines, Slanting lines, Alphabets, Pattern writing, Writing Numerals, Three letter words, Dictation of three letter words.
d. Opposites
open & close, tall & short, full & empty, over & under, heavy & light, big & small, soft & hard, sink & float, hot & cold.
e. Colours
Red, Yellow, Blue, Orange, Green, Violet, Pink, Brown, White & Black.
f. Shapes
Circle, Half – Circle, Square, Rectangle, Triangle, Oval, Heart, Star, Diamond.
g. Sight Reading
Months of the Year.
Days of the Week
- Art & Craft
- Cooking experiences
- Science Experiences
- Essentials of Practical Life
- Animated Rhymes & Stories
- Parts of Computer
- Audio – Visual Classes of Transport, Pet Animals, Water Animals, Wild Animals, Birds, Fruits, Vegetables, Body Parts, Days of Week, Months of Year, Earth, Moon, Stars, Sun, Water, Rainbow, Rivers, Seasons.
- Sowing seeds & growing
- Rubbing on sand Paper (hands)
- Threading the Beads
- Chandan making
- Cleaning the classroom
- Arranging flowers in vase
- Shoe lace fixing
- Buttoning
- What is Your Name?
- What is Your School Name?
- What is Your Teacher Name?
- What is Your Father’s Name?
- What is Your Mother’s Name?
- Where is Your House?
- Which is our National Animal?
- Which is our National Bird?
- Which is our National Flower?
- Which animal is called the ship of the dessert?
- Which animal is called the King of the Jungle?
- Who is our Prime Minister & Chief Minister? ….. and few more on concepts….

No.1 – Alphabet
Capitals Case
No.2 – Alphabet
Small Case
This carefully graded book had been designed keeping in mind the age and the learning ability of the child. The book begins with an introduction and recognition of each letter and then moves on to writing practise and revision of all letters.
No.3 – Colour Craze (2 no.s)
Bringing our the artist in a child. These Drawing and Colouring books give the child ample opportunity to play with colours.
No.4 – Environmental Studies
A carefully graded book with a detailed explanation of the world we live in. Environmental Studies begins with a simple introduction to our surroundings and lifestyle and then moves on to a more detailed analysis of each topic. It helps build an awareness of the environment.
No.5 – General Knowledge
Thematically designed with carefully graded content the general knowledge books and based on a variety of facts and information increasing the child’s interest in various topics thereby, allowing her/ him the ability to discover, learn and discuss these topics freely and openly in the class.
No.6 – Good Habits
Inculcating good habits and manners at an earlier age is the aim of these thematic books are designed with the visual aids that help children distinguish between good and bad actions.
No.7 – Nursery Rhymes
Thematically designed, keeping in mind the child’s ability to grasp various rhymes, songs and stories. This carefully graded book of nursery rhymes, introduces the child to the concept of rhyming words, speaking intone, changing tones, singing songs and listening to stories.
No.8 – Numbers
Carefully graded and systematically designed, the number book introduces the child to a particular set of numbers and math concepts on the basis of the child’s age and mental ability. This introduces the child to new numbers and concepts along with revising the old.
No.9 – Activity
Pragmatically designed according to the child’s creative ability, these exciting art and craft activities introduce the child to the world of creativity and build interest in various forms of art.
No.10 – Phonics
A carefully graded and attractively designed series, phonics focuses on introduction to vowels and consonants and moves on to the importance of pronunciation as well as creating various words and sentences.