FAQs for Preschool:
Q. How Do I obtain an application form?
Ans. – An application form is available at Buds n Blooms Preschool office on working weekdays during office hours.
Q. What supplies do I need to send to school?
- Snacks / Lunch box
- Backpack
- Water Bottle
- Extra pair of clothes (for extended day care programme)
Q. May I come for an observation?
Ans. – Yes. In fact, we welcome parents once in a month to observe their child in school for some time.
Q. What about children’s safety?
Ans. – We have developed comprehensive policy for children’s safety. During working hours, the school doors are locked and guarded. Besides, no stranger is allowed around classrooms.
Q. Why is Preschools more expensive as compared to conventional schools?
Ans. – It is because of high cost owing to extensive teacher training, costly, attractive material and superior furniture.
Q. How can Preschool meet the needs of so many different children?
Ans. – BnB Preschool does not spend time in teaching lesson as traditional teachers do.They rather present lessons using teaching aids / suitable materials. They maintain physical, intellectual and socio-emotional environment in the classroom in which children work at their will. Again, preschool works with each child for long time, comprehending their strengths and weaknesses.
Q. What would be the most important advantage of keeping my three-year-old son in a Preschool?
Ans. – Our Preschool method is focused on hands on learning and learning with understanding. More emphasis is laid on the process that facilitates child’s understanding the concept through practical application, rather than rote learning. Re-searches have shown that children in their early years learn spontaneously by observing.
Q. Since most children will eventually have to go to the formal schools, wouldn’t it be better for them to make the transition in Kindergarten rather than in first grade.
Ans. -It has been observed that children passed out at our Preschool have an excellent start as compared to students from other schools. Our children are self confident, independent and enthusiastic and generally adapt to all sorts of new situations. In addition to this, the curriculum also includes enriched lesson in Maths, reading, languages, science, enviroment and other cultural areas. The BnB preschool children are way ahead of their peers studying in Kindergarten Schools.
Q. Who can be a Pre Primary Teacher?
Ans. – Basic requisite requirement to be a pre-primary teacher, is graduation. In addition good communication skill is preferred. It is imperative to undergo proper preschool training and internship to be, pre-primary teacher.
Q. What is the training of the staff?
Ans. – Staff undergoes extensive training to understand preschool philosophy and use of the apparatus appropriately. The trainees have to pass oral / written and practical examination given by a panel of BnB Preschool Trainers. Afterwards, they have to gain Preschool teaching experience through practical class.
Q. Are field trips offered and if so, how often?
Ans. – Yes, field trips may be offered about two-three times per Term.
Q. How can BnB teachers meet the needs of so many different children?
Ans. – BnB Preschool do not spend time in teaching lesson as traditional teachers. They maintain physical, intellectual and socio-emotional environment in the classroom in which children work at their will. Again, our teachers work with each child or with a small group for long time, comprehending their strengths and weaknesses .